þriðjudagur, febrúar 10

Loksins fær maður svona!

Eftirfarandi barst mér nýlega í tölvupósti:

> Good day and compliment,A CRY FOR HELP,I am writing this letter in
> confidence believing that if it is the wish Of God for you to help me
> and my family, God almighty will bless and Reward you abundantly. My
> family and I are true Christians and worship's God truthfully. I got
> Your contact through Internet during my research on some one who could
> Help us. I am a female student Of University of Nigeria, Lagos. I am 22
> yrs old. My fathers died earlier two months ago and left my Mother I and
> my brother behind. He Was a king, which our town citizens titled him
> before his death I was a Princess to him and I and my brother are the
> only people who Can take Care of his wealth now because my mother is not
> literate enough To know all my fathers wealth behind. He left up to USD
> 27.350 000.000.00 million dollars with a security Company, and I dont
> know how and what I will do to invest this money Somewhere in abroad, so
> that my fathers kindred will not take over what Belongs to my father and
> our family, which they were planning to do Without my present because I
> am a female as stated by our culture in the Town. That is why I felt
> happy when I saw your contact which I strongly believe that by the grace
> of God, you will help me secure And invest this money. I thereby need
> your help in bringing the box Containing the money out from the security
> company, based on your reply I Will furnish you with more details on how
> we can proceed. I am ready to pay 10% of the total amount to you if you
> help us in Securing this money and another 10% interest of Annual Income
> to you, for investing this money for us, which you will strongly have
> absolute Control Over. If you can handle this project sincerely and also
> willing to assist me In lifting this fund, kindly reach me and I will
> let you know the next Step to take towards actualizing this transaction
> as quickly as Possible. Please, note that this transaction is 100% risk
> free. I look forward hearing from you soonest. Yours sincerely,Princess
> and family

Ég er búinn að bíða í mörg ár eftir að fá svona og loksins er það komið. Nú þegar er ég búinn að skrifa svarbréf en er á báðum áttum með að senda það, það er nefnilega til síða þar sem segir hvernig maður geti náð bestum árangri í því að stríða þessum mongólítum sem reyna með þessari aðferð að narra peninga útúr fólki. Veit einhver urlið á þá síðu?
Til gamans er svarið mitt hér.

Dear princess.

It is with utmost horror I read about your troubled situation. My huge and compassionate christian heart literally bleeds for you and your family. Such a burden to be all of a sudden presented to! Of course I am eager to help, only with just the slightest alteration. It is not much, just has to do with the little reward. You see, I will gladly undertake the transportation of the box for a measly 90% of the total amount. As I said, nothing really to mention. By all means, send more information.

Yours sincerely,

Nafnið sem ég setti undir kýs ég að birta ekki hér og nú, þar sem dóttir mín gæti verið að lesa þetta, hehe.

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